Tuesday, April 7, 2009



Collegia Centonariorum: the Guilds of Textile Dealers in the Roman West, Brill, 2009.

Review of the book in Latomus: "Ce livre, issu d’une thèse de doctorat sous la direction de W.V. Harris, présentée à l’université de Columbia, se propose de comprendre les origines, les fonctions, l’organisation et le statut social et légal des collegia centonariorum dans l’empire romain. Disons-le d’emblée, Mme Liu a pleinement atteint cet objectif et nous régale d’une étude exemplaire dont les acquis sont de première importance." (by Professor Robert Duthoy)

"This book both broadens and refines our understanding of the associative phenomenon under the Roman Empire. L.'s multifaceted analysis will appeal not only to those involved in research on collegia, but also to social and economic historians in general." For the review in Classical Review 62.2 (2012): 602-604, please go to http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0009840X12001242.

BMCR Review:“What this book strives to provide is an exercise that pushed the available sources to their fuller, if not their fullest, potential” (p. 295) proclama orgogliosamente Liu. Concordiamo pienamente, considerando l’opera un vero progresso per gli studi in questo campo. Inoltre essa contiene numerosi spunti dedicati a moltissimi aspetti della vita politica,economica e sociale dell’impero romano, come ad es. la discussione (p.46) delle attestazioni molto tarde di flamines (uno divi Augusti da Corfinium addirittura dell’anno 180). La comprensione dell’antico si giova anche del riferimento a prassi medievali e persino moderne (ad es. in Canada, a p. 64, ma anche degli strazzaroli a Bologna e dei rigattieri a Firenze, p. 70); a p. 127 compare anche un paragone con l’antica Cina.'

The proofreading of the book, as mentioned by the reviewer and lamented by myself earlier, could indeed have been better.

Sehepunkte Rezension

“Die Untersuchung der centonarii zeugt von einer umsichtigen Interpretation der Quellen, wobei Liu nicht nur die direkten Zeugnisse zu den centonarii auswertet, sondern auch andere collegia als Vergleichsobjekte heranzieht. Damit richtet sich das Werk einerseits an den Wirtschaftshistoriker, der sich mit der kaiserzeitlichen Textilproduktion auseinandersetzt. Andererseits bieten die allgemeinen Bemerkungen zum Quellenwert der Vereinsinschriften, zu den rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen des Kollegienwesens, zu der sozialen Zusammensetzung der collegia, zu den Aufgaben von patroni und den religiösen Aktivitäten auch einen gelungenen Einblick in das kaiserzeitliche Kollegienwesen im Westen des Römischen Reiches.”

Articles and Book Chapters

Clothing supply for the military: a look at the inscriptional evidence, in Wearing the Cloak: Dressing the Soldier in Roman Times (ANCIENT TEXTILES SERIES), edited by Marie-Louise Nosch. Oxbow Books in association with the Center for Textile Research, 2011: 19-29.

Late Antique Fora and Public Honor in the Western Cities: Case studies, Shifting Cultural Frontiers in Late Antiquity, Ashgate, 2012: 225-243.

Pompeii and Collegia: a new appraisal of the evidence,” Ancient History Bulletin22.1-4 (2008): 53-69

The Economy of Endowments: the case of Roman associations,” In Koenraad Verboven, Katelijn Vandorpe and Véronique Chankowski-Sable (edd.), ‘Pistoi dia tèn technèn’. Bankers, loans and archives in the Ancient World. Studies in honour of Raymond Bogaert, Studia Hellenistica 44. Leuven, Peeters, 2008: 231-256. BMCR review.

“The Era of Patavium Again,” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik (ZPE) 162 (2007): 281-289.

“Local Governments and Collegia: a new appraisal of the evidence,” in Jean-Jacques Aubert and Zsuzsanna Várhelyi (edd.), A Tall Order: Imperialism, Law, Religion, And Society in the Ancient World, essays in honor of William V. Harris, Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 216. K. G. Saur Verlag. 2005: 279-310.

Multiple publications in Chinese (1993-1999): topics included A Biography of Julius Caesar, The Evolution of the System of the Imperial Succession: a comparative study of the Roman and Chinese systems, The Religious Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, etc.

Book Reviews:
• Book review of “Conceiving the Empire” (Oxford, 2008), Classical Review 60.1 (2010): 227-229.
• Review of Nielson, Inge, ed. Zwischen Kult und Gesellschaft (Hephaistos 24). Camelion-Verlag, Augsburg 2007. American Journal of Archaeology (AJA) 2008.
• Review of N. TRAN, LES MEMBRES DES ASSOCIATIONS ROMAINES. LE RANG SOCIAL DES COLLEGIATI EN ITALIE ET EN GAULES, SOUS LE HAUT-EMPIRE. (École française de Rome Collection de l'École française de Rome, 367.) Roma, 2006 and F. DIOSONO, COLLEGIA. LE ASSOCIAZIONI PROFESSIONALI NEL MONDO ROMANO. Roma: Quasar, 2007. Journal of Roman Studies.
• Review of Roman Dacia: The Making of a Provincial Society. Book Review. BMCR (Bryn Mawr Classical Review), 2005.03.12.

• Trade, traders and guilds (?) in textiles: the case of Southern Gaul and Northern Italy (First-Third Centuries), Textile Workers and Their Identity.(Proofs read)
• Chapter on Collegia in the Cambridge Companion to Ancient Rome, Cambridge University Press, due 2009.
• Book Contract with Duckworth, due 2011, Graeco-Roman Classics in China.
• Entries in Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social History
• Book Contract with Beijing (Peking) University Press: Introduction to Roman Studies.
• The Egyptian Associations in the First Century AD. In the Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Ancient History, Shanghai, China, August 17-21, 2005.

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